Thursday, October 31, 2013

Confidence Quote of the Day...

“Sometimes the problem with confidence is not that there is not enough of it but rather that the pipes it must pass through are too narrow.”
Vince Mooney

Wisdom from Willa Rogenia…Panhandle Philosopher

Equito ero sum.
     “Of course I can read Latin. I went to a nineteenth century one room schoolhouse where you could still get an education.”

Writing Quote of the Day...

“When it comes to creativity, the simplest things are often the most difficult. It’s the untried difficult things that stimulate the most creative ideas and are thus the easiest to work with.” 
Vince Mooney

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Writing Quote of the Day...

“Letting your characters go on for chapters talking about the past is still backstory!”
Vince Mooney

Psychology Quote of the Day…

“While it may seem that all forward progress has stopped, ‘self-doubt’ is actually a pit stop where we get reenergized for the next leg of our race towards excellence.”
Vince Mooney

Wisdom from Willa Rogenia…Panhandle Philosopher

Equito ero sum.
“Of course I read romances in the bunkhouse. My favorite heroines are supermakertgirls.”

Psychology Quote of the Day…

“For a mountain of self-doubt you need a mountain of a self to doubt or else the exercise won’t amount to a molehill.”
Vince Mooney

Wisdom from Willa Rogenia…Panhandle Philosopher

I ride therefore I am.

“Real pantsers wear chaps.”

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wisdom from Willa Rogenia…Panhandle Philosopher

I ride therefore I am.

“Self-doubt is God’s way of saying, ‘remember me’’?”

Monday, October 28, 2013

Wisdom from Willa Rogenia…Panhandle Philosopher

I ride therefore I am.
“A plotter is just someone who wants to check how deep the water is before diving into the old swimming hole.”

A Word from Beatrice Plotter...

“It’s because I have self-doubt that I plot. If I thought I was good enough to pantser a whole novel and do it with notable merit, I wouldn’t be a plotter.”

Polly Pantser Sez...

“You ask me about self-doubt? Do you think someone who would start a year long project without knowing how it’s going to be written, how it’s going to avoid a sagging middle or even how it’s going to end would be worried about self-doubt? Pantsers are like farmers – eternal optimists. And like farmers we have to be.”

Wisdom from Willa Rogenia…Panhandle Philosopher

I ride therefore I am.

“Self-doubt never missed a pity party.”

Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Word from Beatrice Plotter...

“Self-doubt is the compost heap we use to make the fertilizer that feeds our next generation of ideas”.

Polly Pantser Sez...

“I guess I would engage in more self-doubt if I knew in advance how things were supposed to turn out.”

Wisdom from Willa Rogenia…Panhandle Philosopher

I ride therefore I am.

“Self-doubt is a luxury the gifted use to stay grounded.”

By Special Request Part IV -- Confidence Quote of the Day

“I don’t have enough confidence in my own judgment to engage in self-doubt.”
Vince Mooney

Confidence Quote of the Day...

“Confidence, like energy, can neither be created nor destroyed -- it can only be harnessed.”
Vince Mooney

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Writing Quote of the Day...

“A writer, who can still be disillusioned by the hollowness of success, is like the child who still believes in Santa Claus: both still have a lot of wonder left in their lives to discover and share.”
Vince Mooney

Writing Quote of the Day

This fabulous quote is aspirational and not literal.

“My job as a writer is not to hook the reader. My job is to get the reader to hook me and never let go. My readers read me and not my books. My voice is their siren call.”
Vince Mooney

Confidence Quote of the Day...

“Confidence is like light traveling through space. You only see it when it strikes an obstacle.”
Vince Mooney

Friday, October 25, 2013

Writing Quote of the Day...

 “A great first line is not hard to come up with. Living up to its promise is.”
Vince Mooney

Writing Quote of the Day...

“Just because something is current story does not mean that it is better than back story.”
Vince Mooney

By Special Request Part III -- Confidence Quote of the Day

I think this would be more fun if I were a pantser.
“Engaging in self-doubt is like playing chess against yourself. The more confidence you have and the more competent you are, the more fun it is.”
Vince Mooney

Confidence Quote of the Day...

“Confidence has many fathers among them: wishful thinking, hope, faith, greed, pride, self-esteem, bravado, ignorance, peer pressure and happenstance; however, confidence has but one mother -- experience."
Vince Mooney

By Special Request Part II -- Confidence Quote of the Day

Sometimes I just can't get the creative juices to flow.

“Confidence, like temperature, is not a thing. It’s a measurement. Self-doubt occurs when confidence drops below zero.”
Vince Mooney

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Confidence Quote of the Day

“Confidence has a thousand faces and to only know a few of them is to only get a glimpse of what it is to be fully human and fully alive.”
Vince Mooney

By Special Request -- Confidence Quote of the Day

“It’s the confidence we hold in the assessment of our own shortcomings that gives self-doubt its bite.”

Vince Mooney

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Confidence Quote of the Day

“Confidence is an intellectual chameleon who has learned how to drink the water found in a mirage.”
Vince Mooney

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Confidence Quote of the Day...

“Confidence is usually a coconspirator in every crime.”
Vince Mooney

Monday, October 21, 2013

Confidence Quote of the Day...


“Confidence is the most contagious when it is the most irrational.”
Vince Mooney

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Confidence Quote of the Day


“Confidence can sometimes achieve what competence cannot – and that can make it very dangerous.”
Vince Mooney

Friday, October 18, 2013

Psychology Quote of the Day

“Confidence is like gasoline: it has the power to take you were you want to go or to burn your house down.”

Vince Mooney

Psychology Quote of the Day

“I would have more faith in confidence if it were not so often inversely proportionate to ability.”
Vince Mooney

Writing Quote of the Day

“The reason why writers don’t believe that revisions can kill them is because when it does kill them, doctors always list ‘heart attack’ as the cause of death.”
Vince Mooney

Writing Quote of the Day


“If you chase a dream you may scare it away like a frighten sparrow but if you attract a dream it may come to you and eat out of your hand.”
Vince Mooney

A Pantseratic Poem

Not all who wander are lost.
And not all who are lost wander.
So at times we cast a net,
or play the fish when we forget. 
And those who are lost but wander still
They shall see things the ‘found’ never will
but it's to the ‘found’, who wander free,
Who will know what it means to be.
Songs, 23:10, Book of the Pantser

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Think on these things...


"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."   

Jeremiah 29:11, Bible 

“The beauty of the plans the Lord has for each of us is that they allow for an infinite variety of ways to implement them allowing us to maximize the gift of free will.”  

Freedom, 7:16,  Book of the Pantser

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Polly Pantser on Paranoia…

“I don’t trust plotters. They are always thinking up complicated ways to get me.”

Vince Mooney

Monday, October 14, 2013

Polly Pantser Sez...

“I can tell a plotter’s writing just as easily as I can spot an oil painting that was painted by filling in  those numbered parts of the picture.”
VInce Mooney

Polly Pantser’s Choice…

“You can either learn to write or learn to plot.”
Vince Mooney

Polly Pantser Quotes...

“Revisions rain on pantsers and plotters alike.”      Paramhansa Pantsernanda

Writing Quote of the Day

“A first draft will eventually end but revisions can go on forever.”
Vince Mooney

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Newton's Fourth Law:

Fourth law: When a body falls to the floor, it becomes invisible.

Writing Quote of the Day

“Comment as you will but always remember that your words leave behind your intellectual DNA.”  
Vince Mooney

Think on these things...

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;”
Psalms, 32:8, Bible

 “Pray not for a plan or a plot but rather pray for the wisdom to make the right decisions.” 
Wisdom, 16:4,  Book of the Pantser

Polly Pantser Quotes...

“If you follow a plot – even if the plot be your own --  you will always be writing someone else’s book. Each act of creation changes the creator into a new a different person.”   

  Paramhansa Pantsernanda

Friday, October 11, 2013

Writing Quote of the Day

“Sometimes I think my writing is radioactive with a very short half life: while people don’t know exactly how to deal with it, they do know it won’t be long before it’s gone without a trace.”

Vince Mooney

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Writing Quote of the Day

“No matter how high one’s TBR pile of books becomes, there will always be at least one book that will seem as if it is taking forever to be released.”
Vince Mooney

A Word from Beatrice Plotter...

“The perfect co-author partnership would be between a pantser and a plotter. This way the team could have the spontaneity of a two-year old along with the guidance of an adult.”
Vince Mooney